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Richard Branson Meets Bloggers

Hosting a bloggers conference always requires a differenet approach. After all you have to think of 'conversations'. We were thriled he blogged about oru event on the blog and sent a very amusisng opening video to share his own health secrets.

Arianna Huffington

When the Huffington Post's Editor-In-Chief indicated she wanted to visit Australia we partnered with Ideas at The House to present her talk on 'Thrive' we all need more sleep. MC'ed by Annabelle Crabb the event was a sellout within hours of tickets going on sale.

Janine Shepherd - Health Advocate

When the MS Society wanted to influencer speaker and event that would challenge thinking we turned to Austrlaian author, aerobatics pilot and cross-country skier. Shephered's career as an athlete ended when she suffered life threatening injuries when hit by a truck during a training bike ride.

Tavi Gevinson

She's been described as a 20 year old Anna Wintour. When the Sydney Opera House was looking for a blogger networking event to celebrate Givinson's arrival down under we turned to the Nuffnang Blogger Network to host a brunch at the Grounds of Alexandria for leading fashion bloggers from around Australia. It was an Instagram knockout.

Bupa Blogger Awards

When Bupa were starting out on their digital journey, they and their PR agency turned to us to help them develop their bloggers awards and launch activity. The Bupa Blogger Awards attracted leading health and wellbeing bloggers from all over Australia and are now in their fourth year of operation.

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2016 Melocco Media

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